Announcements and School Information

Back to School

by Ibironke Sonuga -


Back to School

Resumption to school is just in 10 days, kindly encourage your child to fill the following forms:

▶ Audition Interest Form: 

▶ Junior School Target Setting Form:

▶ Senior School Target Setting Form:

▶ Students' Voice:

▶ Submission of result of filled medical form and result @ Pick up point: 8th September, 2024

▶ Submission of Acceptable Behaviour Contract  signed page @ Pickup Point: 8th September, 2024

▶ Filled Uniform Requisition Form  and Evidence of payment send to or hardcopy on resumption

▶ Filled Boarding House Checklist Form Will be required at checking in point in school - 8th September 2024

Best regards, 

CSSA Management


by Ibironke Sonuga -

Dear Student, 

The information below was shared with your parents; I am sharing here for your attention

The school has provision for a variety of co-curricular activities (clubs and societies) and students are expected to belong to at least TWO clubs/societies, one from categories A and B respectively.
Students who are interested in any of the activities in category C, are to pay a termly fee for them along with the school fees and provide the deposit slip as evidence of payment at the point of registration. Category D is a non-fee-paying club. The maximum population per club is fifty (50).
Please click on the link below to fill out the form using the password below:

Name of the student and Parent’s email address
Password: css-student2023

Below is the club/academy fees for 2024/2025 academic session
Items                                                        New Fees(N)
Club Fees                                                  40,000
Southampton Football Academy (New) -120,000 +Kit (65,000)  185,000
Swimming Academy   80,000
Lawn Tennis Academy (New)    80,000
Basketball Academy (New)       80,000
Fashion and Design                 40,000
Hair and Make-up                   40,000

For enquiries, kindly contact: – 08023440198 - 08034713194

Send evidence of payment to

CSSA Management

PENGASSAN Essay 2024/2025

by Ibironke Sonuga -

PENGASSAN National Essay Competition 2024
Attention: Year 7 and 10 Students.

 We are pleased to inform you that our school is participating in the PENGASSAN National Essay Competition 2024. This prestigious competition offers a unique opportunity for our students to showcase their writing skills, creativity, and critical thinking.

 Notably, our school has a proud history of success in this competition, with our students emerging as winners in the last two editions. We believe that with the right encouragement and support, your child could be the next winner of this coveted prize!

The essay competition is open to JS1 (Year 7) and SS1 (Year 10) students only, and we strongly encourage your child to participate. This is a fantastic chance for them to develop their writing skills, build confidence, and potentially win a prestigious award.

 To participate, please ensure your child writes and submits the essay to:


Teachers in Charge

Year 7 Students

Mr. John Olayioye,

Mrs. Helen Bamisaye,

Year 10 Students

Mr. Henry Muoghara

Mr. Abiola Adesunloye,


The topic and guidelines for the competition are attached to the letter or can be obtained from the school’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

 We believe this competition will help our students develop their writing skills and inspire them to become more engaged and active learners. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


For enquiries, kindly contact:

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

CSSA Management

Attachment PENGASSAN.png

Term 3 Midterm Assignment Notice for Year 11 Students

by Nwogu Uzoma -

Dear Year 11 Students,

Attached is your Term 3 Midterm Assignment 2023/2024. Please review and ensure submission by Monday, June 3rd, 2024.

Contact your teachers for any clarifications.

Thank you.

Bismark Nwogu



by Nwogu Uzoma -

Dear Year 11 Students,

We trust that this message finds you well.

We are pleased to inform you that the registration for the 2025 UTME at Corona Secondary has commenced. Please find the registration form attached to this email.

All students must submit the completed form, signed by your parents, when returning for the second half of this term. Kindly take note of the following while completing the registration form:

UTME Subjects: In this section, you will write the subjects you want to take in the JAMB exam. Ensure that you choose the correct JAMB subject combinations. As a guide, please refer to the JAMB brochure attached to this email. Incorrect UTME subjects can result in denial of admission.

Choices of Institution: (Please refer to the JAMB brochure attached to this email)

  1. First Choice: Write your preferred institution and course. This can be any university, whether federal, state, or private.
  2. Second Choice: If your first choice is a federal university, your second choice must be a state or private university.
  3. Third Choice: This must be a polytechnic.
  4. Fourth Choice: Any Innovation Enterprise Institution (IEI) awarding school.

Please ensure that the registration form is completed accurately and returned on time. 

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Bismark Nwogu


Term 3 Midterm Assignment Notice for Year 10 Students

by Nwogu Uzoma -

Dear Year 10 Students,

Attached is your Term 3 Midterm Assignment 2023/2024. Please review and ensure submission by Monday, June 3rd, 2024.

Contact your teachers for any clarifications.

Thank you.

Bismark Nwogu


Junior School Target Setting Link - Term 3

by Innocent Oaikhena -

Dear Students, 

Trust this mail meets you well.

Kindly find the link for the Junior School target setting form for term 3. 

You are expected to review your performance for term 2 with your parents and mentor or form tutor or houseparent.  Thereafter, you set achievable grades and goals for term 3. 

Best regards, 

CSS Management

Target Setting for Term 3

by Nwogu Uzoma -

Target Setting for Term 3

Dear Students, 

Trust this mail meets you well.

Kindly find the link for the senior school target setting form for term 3.

You are expected to review your performance for term 2 with your parents and mentor or form tutor or  houseparent.  Thereafter, you set achievable grades and goals for term 3. 

Best regards, 

CSS Management

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