CSSA NEASC Internal Reflection - Learning Survey

CSSA NEASC Internal Reflection - Learning Survey

by Nwogu Uzoma -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,

The next step in our NEASC journey is the Internal Reflection process. This comes with the NEASC-CIE Learning Survey which is designed to help us understand how well we meet foundational expectations and how far along we have come on the journey towards transformation. Insights and understandings gained from the survey results should inform our Internal Reflection and help to shape our eventual learning plans and progress.

 Below is a link for you to fill the survey which should take not more than 15minutes, please. Although the survey automatically scales to mobile devices, it is recommended that you use a desktop or laptop computer.

STUDENTS: httpss://surveys.neasc.org/s3/NEASC-CIE-Learning-Survey-Students-Spring-2023?id=38

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Warm regards,

Innocent Oaikhena
