Category A Clubs

Category A Clubs

by Ibironke Sonuga -
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Dear Students 

Be reminded that  Category A clubs will be having a blended meeting( physical and Virtual) on;

Date: *Wednesday 9th June 2021
Time: 7:20 am to 7:50am*

You will find the URL links for your club meetings on the Clubs and Society VLE page. *

The clubs in Category A and their Venues are:

1. Chess Club- Junior Boys Hostel Dining Hall.
2. Conservation Club- Year 8 Blue
3. Girls Guide- Year 12 Green.
4. Home Makers Club- Senior Boys Hostel Dining Hall
5. Music Club- Music Room
6. Peer Educators- Year 11 Blue
7. Red Cross Society/Health- Year 7 Blue
8. Road Safety- Year 10 Blue
9. Scout Movement- Sports Complex
10. Unveiling Africa/Transformers- Year 10 Green

Attendance at one of the club meetings is compulsory.

Ibironke Sonuga